Thursday 11 May 2017

Kesar Kulfi

                                                             Kesar Kulfi

      The name reminds me of my childhood memories, during summer holidays, after dinner, we all used to assemble in the open terrace and sit and chat. Elders used to chat, we children used to play, at that hour if we happen to hear bell ringing, me and my cousin used to pester our parents to buy us "kufli". Usually the "kulfiwala" come after 9 p.m. ringing bells, announcing their arrival.

     Kulfi with nuts coming in between make is very interesting to eat.Initially after my marriage, I used to make kufi using instant kulfi mixes available in the market. They come with free moulds. However in recent times, kulfi moulds are available in the market.

      I used to make badam milk and freeze it but it was crystalline in texture, sometime I added fresh cream to make it creamy, but the result was not as expected.While browsing, I saw somewhere corn flour is used as thickening agent not only for Chinese sauces, but also for desserts.

     So I added fresh cream to the milk and few nuts, cardamons and finally a paste of cornflour and boiled it. Cooled it completely and then freeze, the kulfi's came out really well, creamy and tasty. So decided to post the recipe.

Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 6 persons

Toned Milk (ie 3% fat): 1/2 litre
Badam and Cashew nuts: Finely chopped 3 tea spoons
Sugar: 2 table spoons
Saffron: Few strands
Cornflour: 1 table spoon
Fresh Cream: 1 table spoon (Optional)
Cardamon: 2 nos finely powdered

1. Boil milk in a sauce pan, when it is boiling add sugar and stir well for 2 minutes till the sugar melts.
2. Now add the chopped nuts and stir well.
3. Add the saffron and fresh cream and simmer the flame.
4. Take cornflour in a very small bowl and make it into a smooth paste using little water.
5. Now add the cornflour paste to the milk and stir continuously so that no lumps are formed.
6. Now add the cardamon powder mix well and put off the flame and allow it to cool completely.
7. When it is cool, pour it into the kulfi mould and freeze it for 4 to 5 hrs or overnight.
8. When it frozen completely take the mould and place it under running water for 2 minutes.
9. Open the mould and take the kulfi out using knife (ie, Scooping it off).
10. Serve the kulfi immediately and enjoy.

1. If you are using full cream milk instead of toned milk, you can avoid fresh cream.
2. As full cream milk is more creamier, do not add fresh cream.

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