Wednesday 29 November 2017

Apple Halwa

                                                         Apple Halwa

      Yes you read it right, indeed apple halwa some where I read, you can make halwas out of fruits, like banana, mango, pineapple and jackfruit. Once I tried with banana, it tasted good but the shelf-life was very short- only a day.
      The consistency of apple halwa is such that you can cut it into pieces, the texture is very similar to Bombay or Karachi halwa. Adding food colour gives it an appetising look, while the apple flavour gives the dish its uniqueness. 
      This is the season for apples and is available at an affordable cost. Our own Simla apples are apt for making this halwa.

Cuisine: Indian Sweet                                                                        Ratio
Preparation Time: 10 minutes                                                             1: 1/2
Cooking Time: 20 minutes                                                 Apple Puree: Sugar
Yields: 15 pieces 

Simla apple: 3 nos of medium size
Sugar: 3/4 cup (Adjust to the sweetness of apple)
Ghee: 2 table spoons 
Chopped nuts: 1 teaspoon (Badam, Cashews, Raisins, etc)
Food colour: Orange red - a pinch
Cardamom: 2 pods finely chopped
Water: 1/2 cup

1. Peel the skin off the apple and cut it into pieces, discarding the seeds.
2. Make it into a puree using a mixie.
3. Place a pan or kadai, add 1 teaspoon of ghee and fry the nuts to a golden brown colour, take it out. Keep it aside.
4. In the same pan , add sugar and water. Once all the sugar melts, add apple puree and continue stirring on a medium flame.
5. Add ghee in regular intervals and keep on stirring in between, add food colour, cardamom and the nuts.
6.The halwa should not stick to pan, it should come out without sticking and this is the right consistency.
7. Take it out and put it in plate smeared with ghee. Let it cool.
8. Once it cools down to room temperature, cut it into pieces and store in an air tight container.

1. Apple halwa stays well for over a week.

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