Wednesday 23 September 2020

Orange Cookies in Pressure Cooker


                                 Orange Cookies in Pressure Cooker

        Tangy orange flavor is a favorite for many, during my childhood days, my mom used to buy orange cookies, the taste still lingers in mind. Recently I  happened to taste, orange cookies it was kind of similar. I derived a recipe from my basic cookie recipe, using orange juice, zest and orange flavor, it really came out well. So posting the recipe here.



All Purpose Flour: 1 Cup (200gm)

Orange juice concentrated: 2 table spoons

Orange Zest: 1/4 tea spoon

Softened Butter: 75 gm

Food Color Orange: A pinch (Optional)

Milk: 1 table spoon

Baking Powder: 1/2 tea spoon

Baking Soda: 1/4 tea spoon


1) Sieve the flour well and take it in a wide bowl.

2) Add the concentrated juice, butter, grate in some orange zest, baking powder, baking soda, milk and mix well, adding food color is optional.

3) Make it into a soft dough, gather the entire dough and make it into a cylinder. Wrap it in the cling film or any plastic sheet or Ziploc cover and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.

4) Take an old pressure cooker or pressure pan and pour in the salt (table salt). Preheat it over medium flame for 15 minutes.

5) Now take dough from fridge after 30 minutes, it would have been set by now and cut it out into discs like cookies.

6) Grease a plate or tray and place the cookies leaving space in between.

7) Place a wire stand in the cooker and put the tray over it and close it with cooker lid, removing the gasket and wait. Bake it for 20 minutes or until nice aroma comes out.

8) Take the tray out of the pressure cooker and let it cool to room temperature.

9) Once cooled the cookies will be crisp and crunchy.

10) Store it in a air tight container.




1) Cookies will be chewy when hot,but once it cools down, it becomes crispy.

2) The Cookies stays well for about a week.

3) Never use the cooker lid with gasket and wait, as the high heating melts down the gasket.

4) Always use the exact measurement given.

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