Wednesday 24 August 2016

Vella Seedai ( Sweet Seedai)

    Vella seedai means seedai made out of jaggery (Vellam).  I learnt the uppu seedai and could do it with out any fault, but this sweet seedai was a herculean task for me.
     It always turned to be very hard. Sometimes it was so hard, that we could not break it. My son jokingly says, that he will share this hard sweet seedai to his class bullies, who usually grab his lunch, so that they would never touch his lunch box.
    For the past two years my sweet seedai's turned out be crunchy and soft inside At last I learnt the recipe. My previous recipe missed the butter. But now I add little butter to make it crispy outside and crunchy soft inside. The secret is butter!!!...
     Coming to the recipe
                                          Vella Seedai (Sweet Seedai)   

Cuisine: South Indian Sweet                                                                  Ratio
Preparation Time: 20 minutes                                                   Rice Flour: Urad Flour
Cooking Time: 20 minutes                                                                      6: 1

Rice flour: 6 tea spoons heaped
Urad flour: 1 ta spoon heaped
Cardamom: 2 nos crushed
Jaggery (pounded): 4 tea spoons heaped
Unsalted butter: 1 tea spoon
Sesame or Til seeds: 1/4 tea spoon (Optional)
Water as needed
Refined oil for frying

1. Place a pan on the stove over a medium flame and add rice flour and fry it for less than 2 minutes, the flour should be hot lukewarm, ie you can feel the heat when you touch the flour.
2. Likewise do it for urad flour and take both the flours in a wide bowl.
3. Pound the jaggery and melt in the same pan and filter it for impurities (ie sand). Add this to the flour.
4.  Melt butter to liquid form and add it to the flour and mix well
5. Add sesame seeds,crushed cardamom and add water little by little and make it into soft dough.
6. Divide it into small marble size balls using your palms.
7. Place a pan with oil for frying over a medium flame.
8. When the oil is hot, fry the seedai 5 at a time slowly over a medium flame, so that it cooks evenly inside.
9. Drain oil and take it out and cool completely.
10. Th seedai will be soft while it is hot, once it cools down it will be crunchy.
11. Store it in a air tight container.

1. It stays well for 4 to 5 days.

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