Monday 25 December 2017

Egg-less Caramel Fruit Cake in Cooker or Egg-less Plum Cake (Commonly called)

                   Egg-less Caramel Fruit Cake in Cooker
                  Egg-less Plum Cake (Commonly Called) 

      Now, is the right season to make plum cake as the climatic conditions flavour, the cake baking. The cold climate enables in keeping the cake moist. As Christmas holidays approach, we can bake these cake as little treat to kids. I tried this cake a few years back, now I wanted to give it a try in a pressure cooker. 
         Some people suggest to use an empty  pressure cooker with lid and no gasket. But this leaves dark colouration in the bottom of the cooker and thereby reducing its life. In some cookery show, I saw that common salt is filled up to an inch in the bottom of the cooker and the baking tray is placed over a stand and over the stove on a medium flame.

Cuisine: Indian Adapted
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Soaking Time: 1 day 
Cooking Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1:1:20 mts
Yields : 1 kg

Maida: 240 gms or 1 & 1/4 cups
Sugar: 100 gms
Water: 2 table spoons + 1/2 cup
Cinnamon powder: 1/4 teaspoon 
Cardamom powder: 1/4 teaspoon
Clove powder: a pinch 
Nutmeg powder: 1/4 teaspoon
Baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon
Cooking Oil: 1/3 cup

For Soaking:
Tutti fruity chopped: 30 gms
karonda cherry chopped: 30 gms 
Cashew chopped: 20 gms
Badam chopped: 20 gms
Dry Fig chopped: 20 gms
Dates chopped: 20 gms
Raisins: 20 gms (Full)
Orange Juice (I used Tropicanna):  1 cup 

For Cooker Preparation:
Common salt: 1/2 kg 
Steel Stand: 1 no


For Soaking:
1. Chop all the dried fruit and soak it in 1 cup of orange juice and refrigerate it overnight.
2. Take it out and let it reach room temperature.

Preparing for Cake mix:
1. Sift maida, baking soda, baking powder and take it in a wide bowl for mixing. 

Preparing Caramel Syrup:
1. Take a sauce pan, place it on stove over the small burner on a high flame.
2. Add 100 gms sugar and 2 table spoons of water and stir continuously.
3. The sugar will melt, keep on stirring, till the syrup turns to honey colour. This is Caramel.
4. Now reduce the flame and add 1/2 cup water little by little, it will splutter do not panic, keep on stirring, but be careful, it may solidify. Now rise the flame and keep on stirring. 
5. It will melt and become liquid once again, switch it off. Let it cool down to room temperature. 
6. Once it is cool, add 1/3 cup of oil to it and mix well.
7. Now take the sifted maida with spices mix and add the soaked dry fruits in one go.
8. Add the caramel to the above in one go and gently fold it. Do not mix.
9. Fold until everything is blended well.
10. Grease a container and dust it with maida.
11. Now pour the cake mix into the container.

Preparing the pressure cooker: 
1. Place a 7 & 1/2 litre pressure cooker over the big burner on a medium flame.
2. Add 1/2 kg of common salt into it and place a stand. Heat it for 5 minutes, this is pre-heating.
3. After 5 minutes place the container with cake mix on the stand and close the cooker with the lid, never forget to remove the gasket.
4. It will take approximately an hour to bake, insert a knife and check if the knife comes out clean with no batter sticking, then the cake is done.
5. If some batter sticks, then bake it for some more minutes, till the knife comes out clean.
6. Once it is cool, cut it into wedges or slices of your preference.

1.  Remember to remove the gasket, the high heat may melt the gasket. So always remove it.
2. Folding the batter means in the same direction, ie if you do it clockwise, it should be only clockwise till the batter is blended with dry fruits and caramel.

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