Friday 28 October 2016

Deepavali Legiyam ( Deepavali Marunthu)

                            Deepavali Legiyam ( Deepavali Marunthu)

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Soaking Time: 3 hours

Sesame Oil: 1 table spoon
Coriander Seed (Dania): 1 table spoon
Jeera: 2  tea spoons
Pepper (Whole): 2 tea spoons
Omam or Ajwain: 1/2 tea spoon
Dry ginger powder (Sukku): 1/2 tea spoon
Powdered jaggery: 1/4 cup
Ghee: 2 tea spoons

1. Soak dania, jeera, omam and pepper in hot water for 3 hours.
2. After 3 hours, add all the soaked ingredients to a mixie jar along with sukku powder and grind it into a fine paste using the water used for soaking.
3. Once the paste is ready, keep it aside.
4. Place a pan on the stove, put in the pounded jaggery and little water, melt it over a medium flame.
5. Put off the flame and filter the jaggery liquid to take out the impurities from it.
6. Place another pan on the stove top over a medium flame. pour in 1 table spoon of sesame oil to it and heat it.
7. When the oil is hot, add the fine paste to it and mix it thoroughly. Add the jaggery liquid and mix it well. Simmer it for 20 minutes or till it thickness.
8. The oil will separate from the legiyam and appear on the top. Put off the flame, while it is hot add 2 tea spoons of ghee and mix it well. Now the Deepavali Legiyam is ready.

1. This legiyam stays well for a week, it helps in digestion.

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