Friday 28 October 2016

Thattai (Nippet)


                                 Thattai (Nippet)



Preparation Time: 30 minutes                                                                             Ratio
Cooking Time: 1 hour                                                                                         1 : 1/2
Soaking Time: 2 hours                                                                        Boiled Rice : Fried Gram

Boiled rice or Idli rice: 1 cup
Powdered Fried gram (Pottukadalai): 1/2 cup
Salt as needed
Red chili: 2 nos
Soaked & dried Bengal gram and Moong dhal: 2 tea spoon
Cut Curry leaves: A few nos
Asfoetida: 1/4 tea spoon
Butter: 25 gms

1. Soak idli rice for 2 hours and grind it into fine paste adding little water and red chilies.
2. take this paste in a bowl, add powdered fried gram, mix it well, knead into a soft dough, add salt, asfoetida, curry leaves and soaked and dried gram, moong dhal and knead well.
3. Tale lemon sized ball and flatten it evenly, should be as thin as possible using your fingers.
4. Dry this on a cotton cloth preferably dhoti.
5. Prick the thattai using a fork to prevent it from puffing while frying.
6. Let it dry for 10 minutes.
7. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed kadai over a medium flame.
8. When the oil is hot fry 2 to 3 thattais at a time.
9. Wait till the bubbles settle down, now drain oil and take it out.
10. Fry the remaining thattais and cool it.
11. Store it in an air tight container.

1. Stays well for a fortnight.
2. Make sure to cool before storing, because while hot if you close the lid, the water vapour which would form may spoil.

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