Wednesday 1 June 2016


I am posting a sweet recipe as my first blog post. My son's most favorite sweet is Motipak, so i am posting it. This sweet is most commonly found in sweet shops and because of its appearance & taste, many of us think that making this sweet would be a herculean task. But however it is not so. It is actually quit simple. Follow my recipe to relish this delicious sweet.

Cuisine: Indian Sweet
Preparation Time: 30 minuts                                                 Ratio: Flour : Sugar
Setting Time: 2 hrs                                                                          1 : 1

Besan Flour - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 cups
Cardamom - 3 pod crushed
Saffron Food Color - 1 pinch
Baking Soda - 1 pinch
Unsweetened Khoa - 100 gms
Water as required
Oil for frying
Ghee - 2 teaspoons for greasing
For decoration - Badam shavings


1: Seive Besan flour and take it i wide bowl, add in food color, baking soda and water little by little to make a batter of Dosa batter consistency. ie, it should be neither watery nor thick.
2: In another bowl put the sugar and add water till the sugar immerse. Place this bowl on the stove top and let all the sugar to melt and put off the flame. Keep this aside. This consistency of sugar syrup is called sticky.
3: Now heat oil in a pan and fry boondis using a boondi laddle (remove the boondis once,when the bubbles settles down) and soak the fried boondis in the prepared sugar syrup.
4: After adding all the fried boondies, let it soak for 2 hrs till all the syrup is absorbed.
5: Pulse all the boondis in a mixie jar for a minute and transfer it into a pan.
6: Now crumble the khoa and mix it into the boondi, transfer this in to a pan and place the pan on stove top in a  low flame till the khoa blends into the mixture and put off the flame. 
7: Spread this into a greased tray(smearing ghee on the tray) and garnish with badam shaving and let it cool. Once it is completely cooled cut into squares or of your desired shape and enjoy.


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