Friday 3 June 2016

Ribbon Pakoda

This snack is easy to make & very tasty, so thought of posting it as my second recipe. Follow the recipe given below

                                                       Ribbon Pakoda

Cuisine: Indian Snack                                                         Ratio: Besan Flour : Rice Flour
Preparation Time: 30 minutes                                                                         1     :       2
Besan Flour: 2 cups
Rice Flour: 1 cup
Melted Butter: 1 table spoon
Pepper Power: 1 tea spoon
Asafoetida: 1/2 tea spoon
Water as required
Salt as per taste
Refined Oil for frying


1. Seive rice flour and besan flour separately and mix it in a wide bowl. Add salt, pepper powder, lavish sprinkle of asafotida or hing and melted butter to it.
2. Add water little by little and make into a soft dough. This dough should not be sticky.
3. Heat oil in a pan.
4. Now take murukku presser with ribbon mold and fill it with the dough.
5. Press this dough gently into the hot oil and fry till the bubble settle down, drain the oil and take out fried ribbon pakodas.
6. Store it in air tight container. It stays well  for a fortnight.

1. If you want replace pepper with chilly powder (1/2 tsp).
2. However chilly powder while frying in oil causes quick browning and also gives a burnt flavor.
3. If you are worried about using butter, you can replace it with 1 tbs of hot refined oil.


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